
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Adorable Pets

It's very hard to get things done like this...I can't blame him for my losing my one and only book review to date...sigh. He is a cutie. Would you believe this same adorable fluff ball is a fierce hunter??

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  1. "Would you believe this same adorable fluff ball is a fierce hunter??"


  2. Isn't that just typical attention-getting cat behaviour! At this very moment, our male Siamese, Yang, is lolling all over the keyboard because he wants my chair.

  3. They are too funny, aren't they! Not subtle at all!


Gotta Comment? Great! Thanks in advance for taking the time. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, assuming I'm not in the garden...because there, I lose all track of time...(Don't you?)...Take care now.