
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Today 060707

Only two daylilies to share today...hopefully, more tomorrow (maybe even my first seedling!)...

Here's Velvet Ribbons:

and Stella's Ruffled Fingers:

The next two pictures are not the best. I was gone quite a bit today and remembered I wanted to catch pictures of these (maybe I should have waited!).

Asiatic Lily 'Lollipop'

This one is an LA Lily, I believe, but unknown...I call it Mother's Day since my family gave it to me on Mother's Day a few years ago. It's been the first lily to bloom since its arrival.

Sorry, I just remembered that I forgot to check the Madonna Lilies! Tomorrow, right! ...and there's another Asiatic lily in bloom as well...

Something nice and unexpected happened today. Take a look at these lettuces.

Don't they look great? Two of them came home with me! These are grown by H. the Horticulturist (of MWH fame) and are a new variety (not on the market...yet...I don't think) she is trialing.

Until tomorrow...


  1. 'Velvet Ribbons' is lovely -- my fave of all these.

  2. Your day lilies are stunning...I love the Velvet Ribbons!

  3. I think I am going to have to come here more than once each day - I love seeing your lilies in bloom. As always, it is hard to say which one I like the best - they are all pretty and elegant in their own ways!

  4. Gotta Garden

    I was browsing GVs and was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw 'Velvet Ribbons' it is stunning and hold both of my favorite colors.

    It's beautiful.

  5. I add Velvet Ribbons to my must-have list!


Gotta Comment? Great! Thanks in advance for taking the time. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, assuming I'm not in the garden...because there, I lose all track of time...(Don't you?)...Take care now.