
Monday, October 04, 2010


I feel the need to expound on my pets...

This is my Riley Girl (aka Riley Dog, etc.). She is 13 years old this month. Clocking in at 95+ lbs., she is a big girl. Given that, a 13th birthday is something to celebrate. Her vision is going (both she and Kobe have nuclear sclerosis), her hearing is mostly gone and getting around is pretty tough. She is my girl. Born in Enumclaw, Washington, she was transplanted along with the rest of us to Virginia in 1999. Just so you know, she is one-quarter Lab, one-quarter Collie, one-quarter German Shepherd and one-quarter Mastiff. And, no, NO, she is not a Frankenstein dog as DH likes to refer to her. She is beautiful. Period.

Riley does like her beer. The good stuff, don't even try and ply her with cheap stuff. She knows. DH and she have shared many a mug. And Riley has enjoyed many a good snoring nap....(along with DH...hehe...couldn't resist.)

Next up is Kobe Dog (also Kobe Boy, KoKo, Koko Bear, etc.). He is a sprightly 11 years old this month. You might remember Kobe has had a couple of surgeries this year and we are not even saying the C word as it is Gone, Gone Gone. Yes. Kobe is my garden bud as he is still able to get around everywhere and loves to go...anywhere. He is so good, seriously. He never bothers anything, goes around flower beds, stays in the yard, comes without fail when called...he is perfect. He is a great watchdog and only barks when he feels necessary. Okay, Kobe would probably wear glasses if he were human, but that doesn't mean that the plastic bag blowing around didn't look a little threatening...

He's only around 85 lbs., maybe a little less, as his surgeries took a toll on him. He and Riley love McDonald's cheeseburgers. Kobe's nose is simply amazing and if I ever get lost, send him to find me. He will. Born right here in Stafford County, Virginia, he was part of a huge litter. I'm sure there are other lucky Kobe Dog owners out there, but none are as perfect as mine. Even if we were told that he is part Golden Retriever and part Black Collie....there is no Black Collie....but, never mind.

Leo Cat was feeling a bit shy, but you probably remember what his face looks like. He is called many things, most of them not too good...hehe. Garden Cat is among the better of his nicknames and he takes his garden work seriously. He and his brother (half) Sam are 9 years old as I write. Acquired together, Leo wasn't sure he liked us...until recently. Getting lost and having to find his way home clearly made him appreciate how good he has it. It also made the rest of us aware of what a large hole there would be here without him. He's part of us. Once in our family, you're in forever.

He's been blessed with good health and thinks that Kobe is his best friend. It is not reciprocated. Kobe believes he has a sincere duty to keep the cats in line and will not hesitate to rat them out inside when they become mischievous.

Last up is the one and only Sam Cat. Mr. Personality. Or is that split-personality. Inside he is the most loving and affectionate cat ever born. A real sweetie.

Outside. Beware. Just beware. He is a killing machine with a distinct style. He really keeps Gotta Garden viable. We would be overrun with garden attackers if not for him.

Sam has probably used up at least seven of his nine lives. Hopefully, he can catch a few spares from Leo. His medical file is at least an inch thick. Don't ask. He is our Sammy Cat and we love him. Missing tail and all. (Just kidding....I mean, his tail isn't's just not there.)

So there you have it. The pets of Gotta Garden. The best, most wonderful, amazing animals known to mankind (and womankind).


  1. I like your menagerie, it reminds me of ours. Also glad to hear other people allow their dogs a sip or two of beer every now and then.

  2. Such nice friends you have there! I sometimes wonder what my garden would look like if the dogs didn't race through the plants then lay down on them.

  3. Gardens and pets go together, and I don't think I know a single gardener who doesn't also have multiple pets. Thank you for updating us on yours ... they're precious.

  4. Gardening and animals ~ oh yeah, I'll be back! Great post!

  5. What a nice family of pets. Obviously they and gardening go together without conflict! :-) Are you feeling ready for Fall? I'm really not, but the leaves are falling and I'd better begin the counter-attack! ha.

  6. What sweet pets:-) Riley-girl sure does have an interesting 'mix' of beauty within her sweet self! She's definitely unique! We just had to have our cat put to sleep so we have only 2 dogs right now. They both run all over the back gardens but it doesn't seem to make much of an impact. A garden without pets just wouldn't seem right!

  7. Hey Les....a sip, haha. My sister tells the story of finding her beer overturned...and her dog drinking it. It wasn't until it happened again that she realized it wasn't an accident...

    Kobe doesn't like beer, interestingly. Glad we will have at least one sober dog around...(kidding, people!)

    Happy to know you have animals, too.

    Hi FabricandFlowers: Why, it would look perfect, of course...and like someone else's

    Somehow it all works out.

    Greetings Cher' Shots...hope to see you back...

    I like that, Shady Gardener...a counter-attack!

    No, I am so far from ready...still planting and planting...that is my goal for now. It would nice to not have to drag things into the garage...

    Hi Jan: I am so sorry to hear about your cat. That's hard.

    I do think some dogs are blessed with gentle watched some garden dogs zoom through fields of daylilies chasing rabbits, etc...and the daylilies are none the worse for wear. Amazing!

    Thanks, everyone, for coming by.


Gotta Comment? Great! Thanks in advance for taking the time. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, assuming I'm not in the garden...because there, I lose all track of time...(Don't you?)...Take care now.