
Friday, May 11, 2007

Photos and More Photos

One of my favorite shrubs in spring:

Variegated Weigela even without the flowers has stunning foliage. It's one of those old fashioned plants and will take a lot. I suppose I should prune mine, it's gotten quite large, but I don't know...I rather like it dripping with blooms.

Here they are closer, you get pink and white together...

Needing no introduction, the first of the peonies:

I'm not really fond of the single ones and didn't realize I had any (I apparently have two...exactly the same!)...I'm going to blame it on mislabeling and/or my penchant for buying a mix (not so big on that any longer with space at a premium). Never mind, the doubles will be starting any day...and I will bring some of those inside!

Remember my white trillium(s) I was so proud of...Look what it/they did:

According to this site, these trillium(s)s do this after they have been pollinated. To my surprise, that which I thought here...and blooming:

Look above the fern (Ghost, if you're wondering), under the clematis (Polish Spirit) and mixed in with the bee balm (Raspberry Wine)...and there it is! I surely thought something had got I'm very happy. The last/other trillium is not blooming but I found it hidden in the monkshood foliage...all present and accounted for. Next year, assuming I get them planted, I hope to have some other varieties. This white trillium (probably Great White) is much larger and taller than the now pink one:

The last daffodil blooming (still are a few buds to open as well):

Albus plenus odoratus...(it was blowing around, sorry for the odd picture)....for those not tired of daffodils (not me!), I will get to my review and will have pictures of some I haven't shown (just ran out of time)...with over 100 varieties (and still adding), I can go on for quite a while with them!

This will give you some idea of how large my sweet shrub aka Carolina Allspice is and why it is so deliciously fragrant (many buds!):

For those of you wondering, here are a few things residing together (I do cram) many can you find??

While mine is just a baby, it has started full bloom, these trees, Fringe Trees, are stunning and fragrant:

I'll have to look as I believe I had pictures of larger trees from Maymont and Mount Vernon.

The first of the thymes to bloom...English Thyme:

Woodland phlox and Spanish bluebells:

A lone allium...when I moved things around, I apparently moved this one...good thing as I must have tossed most of the others with the bathwater:

Another Dianthus makes an appearance:

Anthemis just getting going also:

A new creeping phlox now residing under the Mohawk viburnum...aren't those variegated leaves adorable!

Speaking of variegated, how about these columbines (they're starting to seed around...which is fine with me):

And this one (sigh) growing in the weeds under...of course...the silver maple:

A cause for celebration...look closely, scapes on a daylily (Royal Eventide...usually my first)...I do have scapes on a couple of new arrivals, but I don't count those as they aren't home grown.

A cause for dismay...spiderwort! How did that find itself here??

Heucherella Sunspot....but what I really like here...look closely...poppy seedlings all around!

That'll have to do it for now...more, as always, to come. I'll just do a separate post of iris, clematis, ground covers...whatever! Still a few visits, too...Mount Vernon and Hahn Horticulture, I dug out a couple daylilies (REALLY need to do more of and I'll show you how that went....I figured if I wrote/listed these...I might actually remember to do them!


  1. You have so much to blog about. My head is spinning. I assume this is only part of your garden...

    I'm not a real gardener, but I do appreciate flowers and what you offer!

    I need to go back into your archives and see what you blogged about during the winter months :o)

  2. Everything is very pretty there. I figure I'm about 2 weeks behind the gardens around me and a month or so behind you but some things here are right on track or ahead of you. My beebalm seems ahead of yours but my peonies are just forming buds.

    I do love trilliums. All of mine came up and I've found several places in the woods with large patches.

    I hope I can get to the point where I pack plants in. lol Right now I have lots and lots of space left to fill.

  3. Your photos are always superb, GG, I find it difficult choosing a favourite to write a comment about. The albus plenus narcissi is a great favourite of mine, but then I love those aquilegias too...then there's the variegated weigela, which is so vibrant, and the trilliums are so sweet and dainty...

  4. I really enjoyed looking through your garden, thank you :-) I love the way seedlings appear in unexpected places, I never pull them up unless absolutely necessary. You have a beautiful garden.

  5. Lots of nice flowers! Love the trilliums, my goal is to grow one of every cultivar someday.

  6. All your flowers look wonderful. I'm always amazed by the variety you have because you tell us your garden is small.

    I also love variegated Weigela, though I don't have one. I did plant some for my neighbor and they are doing quite well.

    And, I hope you are planning to join us for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day on the 15th. You have so much in flower, you might have to just list your top 25!

  7. Your garden must be huge. I am really interested in the Weigelia you have. Mine is red and the leaves aren't the same as on yours. Just love that one and I would have a spot in my garden for it, too. :-) Have a nice weekend and a nice Mother's Day. Greetings from Germany, Andrea

  8. What beautiful plants! I have the same columbine with the blue flowers/variegated foliage. :-)

    Does your Raspberry Wine bee balm get mildewed? I found that one in a list of mildew-resistant cultivars, and wondered if it was true.

  9. What a lovely bunch of plants, Gotta Garden- it's fun to imagine walking around with you in Virginia; it must be a pretty big space to hold your collections!
    I used to grow the variegated Weigela in IL, as part of a mixed border, and liked it a lot. Yours looks so fresh and refined.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  10. Wow! You have a lot going on! My trillium do that too and I never knew why. Just thought they were on their way out. Thanks for the info and all the great pictures!

  11. Such a variety of lovely blooms. I have enjoyed my visit to your blog today.

  12. lucky you with so many trilliums. I hadn't known they changed color after pollination, thanks for sharing that info!

  13. How beautiful! I like that variegated weigela, too. I would love it if they could cross that with 'Wine and Roses'... :)

    The heucherella is so fun. Do you have it in a bunch of shade? We sell those at the garden center where I work, but the tags say full to part sun so we were torn as to where to put it...

  14. How do you like your coral bells? I think your garden is about 2-3 weeks ahead of mine. Lovely!

  15. Now that I've seen your variegated Weigelia I think I'm going to buy one too. I used to have one in my previous garden and I miss it.

    Thanks for so many lovely pics, loved the peonies particularly!

    BTW your wish about a post on garden design has been granted on Bliss.

  16. Oh, Mary...I'll be embarrassed!! I should have been better...but maybe like fine wine I will improve with time! My garden is small but packed...I would probably have no grass if left to my own devices, but I do have two large dogs...Thank you...although it may just be that I like to yak!

    Hi Apple: I'm so happy to hear about your trilliums! I do wish I had your space...just today I talked myself out of visiting a favorite nursery (I think this was self discipline!) because I still have things to plant...and I don't really need anything...but, if I had your space, there would be no stopping me! Lol! Of course, I then went to Lowe's to get a few brick thingies...and still found something plant wise to buy!

    Isn't that funny how things are! Today I was down in Richmond and I could see they are ahead of me (about an hour and a half south of me)...the big magnolias were already blooming, the larkspur was in full bloom (mine are still in bud), etc... I think that is one of the things I like about seeing what's going on in different places!

    You make me laugh, A Wildlife Gardener! That's after my head shrinks from the praise! You are too kind!

    Thank you, Chris! Yes, I like a lot of the freebies of nature! Now, if I could just figure out how to only get the ones I want! I am still working on the chickweed, but I am beginning to think it might just be overcome...of course, this is until all those zillions of seeds it has left sprout...I try not to show too many of my weeds! Anyway, it is beautiful to me...but probably not to anyone else (who really saw it)!!

    You and me both, Lisa! Although, it appears you have more land and so, therefore, really could do it! You go! I will love following it!

    Carol, it really is small! I mean, not tiny, but small! Lol! I am more of a one-of-everything person vs a nice sweep of one thing. Although, as I think of it, if I had the room, maybe I would do those nice graceful sweeps?? Who knows!

    Yes, I did make the GB Bloom Day! Thanks! I was a bit worried as I get so terribly distracted! I never feel as if I have given it a good effort but more of a slap dash thing...maybe next time (famous last words), I will make a post that I feel is adequate!

    Thank you, Andrea! I hope you had a nice one, too! I really did have a great day and will write about it one of these days!

    If you were closer, I'd tell you to come get some clippings because I just bet it would root easily. And, no...I live on a suburban 1/4 acre (including house) with a terrible hill in the backyard...I just pack things in...much too crowded, probably, but oh well.

    Hi Entangled! We may have shopped some of the same garden sales!! I adore that columbine...for one thing, all that stuff going in the leaves kinda covers the leaf miners!

    I haven't noticed a problem with the Raspberry is a carefree one, which I love. I have a horrible red (Gardenview Scarlet) that is just pathetic. A neighbor tells me she has a great red and if I will visit her, she will share some. I must remember to do I'd really like a nice eye popping red!

    Annie, I would love to walk around with you! (Just don't look at the weeds and the chores left undone!) The space is not day, perhaps, I will feel comfortable to show pictures all around of it...but, for now, I am afraid people would be shocked to see all the things I still need to do...or mean to do...or my half done hardscaping (I'm getting to it...eventually!)...

    Isn't that wild, Jean! When I first saw them, I did a double take...I rather like the pink! But, the pictures don't lie and I knew they had been white! It's kinda like an on/off switch! Thank you!

    Thank you, Crafty Gardener!

    Hi either! See, we learn together!

    Oh, BS_G! Do not start me on the tags! Lol! I would only give them morning sun. I cannot tell you the times I would rearrange things in the nursery! Seems like such a waste of time and labor...but I couldn't stand to see things fry in our hot sun...tags notwithstanding.

    That, by the way, is one that I bought a couple years ago. Last year I divided it into five plants...thought it did pretty well, but it seems I lost one on the end. They seem to increase pretty well!

    Good luck with the nursery plants. Go with your instincts.

    Hi Ottawa Gardener! I love them! Just found a new one to add last weekend! Very easy care...except a couple of the variegated ones...I seem to have to pay them a bit more attention...I am on my third Snow Angel...but this one seems to be hanging in there...although it is smaller than all the others.

    Hi YE! You will love it! So easy to care for (or not) and will forgive you for any pruning you decide it needs (or not). I'm always happy to help you go plant shopping! Hehehe (she says with a grin!)

    Lucky me! I did enjoy your post and learned a great deal! Thanks! I appreciate the effort you went many great pictures!

    You know, it is strange about the peonies. I think I will take out the two single ones...they don't please me and I can use the space for a couple that wow me. I seem to not have the variety I think I should have...lesson in being a more careful shopper!

    Please forgive my delay in responding...I will try to do better! Thanks for stopping by!


Gotta Comment? Great! Thanks in advance for taking the time. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, assuming I'm not in the garden...because there, I lose all track of time...(Don't you?)...Take care now.