
Monday, May 14, 2007

Garden Trips: Hahn Horticulture Garden

Last week, on a bright and beautiful day, I stopped by the Hahn Horticulture Garden.

Surrounded on all sides by a busy campus, it provides an escape and retreat for students, faculty, staff and even visitors (like me). Tucked throughout it are cozy seating areas, paths to wander and even spots to gather.

A garden such as this wouldn't be complete without water features. You wouldn't know upon entering that these are here, but they are worth discovering.

Two of my very favorite trees grow in this garden. If I had room, I would surely plant these. The first one has this coppery bark that was shimmering in the light. I hope my picture captures it.

If you didn't guess, it's a Paperbark Maple. Take a look at the leaves:

It is such an awesome tree! The second one is also a beautiful tree with interesting bark, but that is not the only reason to grow it.

This one is a Stewartia and if you don't beautiful in bloom. I waited two years to get a small one and it didn't make it for me...sigh. I guess I'll have to visit this one and one I saw at Lewis Ginter.

This amused me. Look at the Creeping you suppose it will go into the water??!

Public gardens can be great places to see plants "let go", especially ground covers. Check out these sedums. Isn't this wall interesting?

Worth a closer look:

Here a large grouping of hosta made an attractive edger with an eye pleasing curve:

One of the things that I like to do is look both ways, like this:

I'll be back in August and will take another look then as like all good gardens, this one will show me another view. Last time I was here, I saw a chipmunk and this time as well! Unfortunately, he/she moved much too quickly for me to get a picture...although I would have liked to.

I'll leave you with a couple of views that are a part of this visit and this time, sadly.


  1. What a beautiful place. I love the bench under the tree surrounded by ferns.

  2. I've planted 4 paperbark maples and they all died. We bought another one on sale last year in the end of the year 50% off for $25. I was fussing with it and decided I didn't like the exposure to the elements it would get in the winter so I moved it to a more sheltered location and hoped that move wouldn't kill it. It took a while this spring for it to leaf out but thank goodness it finally did and it looks like it will make it this time. So five's a charm. Persistence pays off.

    I also bought three different Stewartias last fall. They were mere twigs but I'm happy to say they all survived and have leafed out. Hopefully they will thrive and we'll see some flowers in a few years. ;) I didn't know they grew to be so big though. I may have planted them too close to the house!

  3. You are so lucky to have access to such beautiful places. What I love is the way you take pictures that give one a true sense of the garden.

    I have never seen a paperbark maple. The colour of the bark is amazing.It sounds as if Stewardia trees are hard to grow ...

    My experience with Creeping Jenny and my pond is that it keeps growing and growing over the pond's edge and straight down the pond sides. I like that effect, but am not fond of its habit of climbing through the surrounding perennials ...

    And it is good to see that those killed at Virginia Tech are remembered on campus.

  4. That's a beautiful place, Gotta. It probably is a certified National Wildlife Habitat. I wonder if there were bird boxes anywhere.

    The water features are great! I guess the horticulture students and staff work on them.

    I'd love for our campus to have a place like that.

  5. What a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing!

  6. The layout and design of that garden is amazing. i like all the little arches and pergolas and the little fancy paved seating areas too. But the paperbark maple is exquisite.

  7. Hello OldRoses! It is nice. On the one hand, it is not all that large...but larger than it looks, if that makes sense.

    Oh Ki! I am so envious!! What wonderful trees you have! Btw, the tag did say Tall Stewartia, so perhaps yours won't be quite so big? I'm so glad to hear they are doing well...because that means nice pictures for the rest of us down the road!

    Hmmm, Kate...that is good scoop on Creeping Jenny. I bought two to put in an area that is experiencing some erosion when it rains and nothing else seems to want to grow there! I will think about this some more. I am a bit afraid of it.

    I is hard with pictures. I take zillions and then to pick just a few (ha)...but I have found that the pictures often show me things I miss in person. The camera eye is far better. Going to other gardens is stimulating.

    Yes. In August, I will probably see the real memorial on the Drill Field. It's just that it was quite a walk and after many trips loading our cars, we were too tired.

    Thanks, Kate!

    Hi Mary...I wonder. It would make sense, but I didn't see a sign or anything (not that it wasn't there!). I have visited a smaller university much nearer to me (Univ of Mary Washington...the name change is used to be Mary Washington College)...anyway, there are many wonderful and interesting trees (there are tree walks given occasionally) and other things there...but no official garden like this. Of course, no horticulture program either! When I was in school, I never even thought about or looked around me for gardens! The things I must have missed! Now, I think it would be a requirement!!

    Hi're welcome!

    Isn't it, A Wildlife Gardener! I want want want one! Sigh. I've really come to appreciate bark on trees in the last few interesting!


Gotta Comment? Great! Thanks in advance for taking the time. I'll get back to you as soon as possible, assuming I'm not in the garden...because there, I lose all track of time...(Don't you?)...Take care now.