New to me this year, Cerise Masterpiece...(on rebloom)

Also reblooming, Tholian Web....impressive plant that revived from arriving as teeny tiny fans (one of which didn't make it) last a single fan that is about to be two...

Clump shot of Laura Harwood, a nice late that really performs for me...

Precious Candy, another new to me plant...bought last year at a club auction as a single fan...and is reblooming...

The very photogenic North Wind Dancer...another late bloomer....

A bunch of Suzy Cream Cheese blooming at once...

Hoochie Coochie Man (don't you love the name!)...

Sweet Mercy, a double I've been waiting for years to's pinker color than this looks...but not pink...registration information lists its color as papaya punch...

Lake Effect...a favorite for several years now...

Linda Beck....looking more pink...this one is more toward purple...

More Michael of the nicest near whites...I remember Michael Miller saying he had asked Pat Stamile to name his best white for him....and, at the time, it was. Since then, Arctic Snow is pretty terrific as is White Mountains, but, still, hard to beat Michael Miller...

A couple of the Bachman seedlings I brought back from Ohio....Bachman as in the hybridizer of Suzy Cream Cheese (above) and others we will see some another time...

The one below is more purple, rather than red as it shows....having a bit of trouble with those throat, though, is accurate.

Truth in photography....I'm trying to be more diligent about noting when the colors are off in pictures. It's really a pet peeve of mine to see photos of daylilies where the color is way off and the photographer doesn't mention it. Really unfair, I think, to others who might consider acquiring it based on the inaccurate color. I know, it's hard (believe me, I know) to accurately photograph purples and even reds.....we can, however, at least let folks know whether the picture does reflect the actual flower....or learn
More to come....once these later ones are done, I'll go back to looking at how the earlier part of the season went...
Beautiful! Beautiful!
Just found your blog through a friend. Thanks för sharing dl photos! Like Laura Harwood and Susy C a lot. I have a few seedlings from them.
Can I add you to my bloglist?
Thanks, Sheila...and this is toward the end of the season.
Of course, Dagliljan! That would be great. Do you like lates? Well, I mean, who doesn't? to extend the season...
You have such a beautiful variety of daylilies! (There are so many, aren't there?) Would you be able to pick out your favorite 5?
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