Gotta Garden

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Daylilies on Auction

Well, I've gone and done it. After talking about it, stewing about it and finally getting the pictures together, I have at long last listed some of my daylilies for sale on the Lily Auction. Daylily lovers know that the Lily Auction, while not perfect, is one of the best places for buying and selling daylilies.

With space always an issue for me, I decided there was nothing else left to do but part with a few. Some, I'll just be reducing the clump size and others, I'm moving to a different spot. Still others will eventually make their way to the next club sale. I have high hopes of getting my numbers down to a more manageable size (around 500) and still find room to squeeze in all my seedlings.

This will be my first real foray into selling. I did sell once last year on a forum, but not to any great degree. I'm not really into a business. It's more about letting my hobby start footing at least some of the bills. My goal/dream is to have my daylily habit be self supporting.

I'm thinking about selling some seeds next year. I've been making my own crosses for three years now, so perhaps I'm getting the hang of it. Problem is, I have a hard time parting with any (like the daylilies themselves). What if the seeds I sell turn out to be the most wonderful flowers ever??! It's just the chance you take and if you follow the seed sales on the Lily Auction, you can see some command a pretty good price. It's not as easy as it may me on that!

I've also disclosed that I have rust this year in my LA listings. I'm hoping this will be the last year, but it will depend on whether I can reign in my desires for the latest and greatest. Luckily, rust does not overwinter here. This year was particularly disappointing as rust came into my garden in spring which astonished me. I bought a plant from someone who didn't disclose rust issues. In my opinion, all good sellers should. It should be up to the buyer to decide whether to expose his/her garden...not the seller. This choice was taken away from me this year and, believe me, I was quite angry for a long while. It has big ramifications as I have a large number of daylilies that I cannot sell or donate due to the rust. Or, at least I won' I feel that would be beyond rotten. The subject of daylily rust is enough for a post all its own and so I will save further ranting on that for another time.

Anyway, should you want to take a look, you can find me under the seller name of gonegardening. If you click on the About Me icon, you can learn how I came to choose that name. To go to the LA, click here.

Happy looking....and don't say you weren't warned about how fun bidding can be!


Barbarapc said...

Those photos are astonishing - hope the sale goes well - always nice when you can support your gardening "habit".

Gotta Garden said...

I wish! I did okay, sold some, but not everything I had listed. Still, I'm pleased for a first effort.

Thanks for stopping over and for your kind words!

kate smudges said...

I think this is great - I'm glad you sold some! It's wonderful and I hope you continue to sell!!

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