Gotta Garden

Friday, March 11, 2011

Early March Blooms

The ever faithful Pink Dawn Viburnum...

Winter Daphne...

One of the camellias...

A couple more views...

Taken on an overcast day, the crocus are all closed up....waiting for the sun...

A few more of the Iris Reticulata from the other day...

Anticipating blooms soon on the Virginia Bluebells which are just emerging...

We had a very rainy day yesterday. Last night, I happened upon this frog...not something I often see/find with two cats...

I'm just guessing as I don't know frogs...after a search for frogs in Virginia...I'm thinking this one is a Southern Leopard Frog as there isn't any water nearby and I saw him on the driveway under the garage light...


Les said...

Between the the Pink Dawn and the Daphne, your garden must smell lovely.

Shady Gardener said...

Aren't you having a wonderful Spring? Ours will be here before you know it. (yea!)

Michelle said...

Your gardens are so beautiful! I would love to be out in the garden, but alas, Calculus calls! LOL... I am having a new bed put in, so I will be out there this weekend come hell, high water or more Calculus.

I really liked the wildlife in the garden post. Just found a baby bunny! Going to post it on my blog...

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie,

Just dropped by to say hi and see what's blooming in your garden. I'm impressed with all the Hellebores. The Camellias are beautiful. We're still buried under several feet of snow. Hope all is well with you!

Gotta Garden said...

Thanks, mail lady actually made me smile the other day...she handed me a package and said, "Your garden must be what heaven smells like." I got a kick out of that! (She clearly was overlooking the

Actually, the winter daphne right there by the front door was the cause...and, of course, it does have a heavenly scent...ha.

Hi Shady Gardener....Oh, I do hope your spring has sprung now. It's such a wonderful time of year! Who can be unhappy when there's sunshine and blooming flowers?? Spring wishes for you...

Hey Michelle...yikes, Calculus...good luck with that! The garden wins hands down...ha. Well, we gotta do what we've gotta do, right? Thanks for the kind words...some parts do look nice now...some parts are buried under weeds (I know there are flowers under there somewhere!)...

Kate! So happy to hear from you! We have much to! Snow...oh no...stay has to melt soon, right?

Thanks everyone for coming was so nice to read your comments.

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