Gotta Garden

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Now THAT'S a Spider...

'Tis spider season....and while I often see these garden spiders, this is a particularly large one...maybe the largest I've seen. I happened upon her (if you follow the link, you'll know why) while digging daylilies; fortunately, I spied her before I ran into the quite awesome web.

I got a kick out of noticing all the weed seeds caught in the web (one of the reasons I saw it)'s been quite the year for weeds...oh my.

It's been a bit rainy today, so I haven't been out to check to see if she is still there....

I was glad to learn these spiders are considered harmless, since she is quite scary looking...and also because, well, there are more than a few of them around...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That spider is awesome! I saw one in the garden exactly like it the other day, tending a web between the stalks of leeks. It wasn't just big - it was huge! I caught a grasshopper to toss in the web and it was fascinating to watch - being so large it was very easy to see the silk being produced as it covered it's prey. Do you know what kind of a spider it is?

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