Some of the Daphnes are all budded up.

The Sweet Box has lots of buds and also berries:

Earning their name of Hardy Cyclamen (I don't think these are all the way settled in, actually...it make take them a year or so more...my others are keeping their flowers under wraps for now):

Sometimes, I can smell these lemon blooms as I come down my basement steps. I'm happy to say that to this point, the Meyer Lemon is doing well (unlike last year when I left it to its own devices...which meant I was lucky it was still alive)...unfortunately, I don't have any bees in the basement.

We had some snow (all gone now)...I can't get over how different my front yard looks sans pear tree. That hump behind the bench is some of the mulch from it that I spread out a bit.

More Chanticleer upcoming!
Wow, flowers already. We are still in a deep freeze here in central Indiana. We are in that part of winter that seems 'endless'.
So its nice to see flowers blooming even in others' gardens!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Beautiful photos from your garden.
Hi Carol: January tends to be warm and then cold here...confusing everyone...and then watch, we'll get zapped unexpectedly in Feb and March...so, sometimes the promise of blooms is just that...a promise! But, I agree it's comforting to see blooms. The hellebores are a bit slower this year, I think...however, there are lots of buds. One of these days, I will go out and see some things from them to make me smile! They are such tough flowers! Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you, Marie! I'm still learning and am looking forward to a new camera this year. I will have to get past my point and click mentality!
Waaaahhhhhh! My hellebore envy is in full cry...how lovely!
I loved seeing the Daphnes in bloom. The Box is beautiful too.
Never seen such a pretty hellebores. Thanks for sharing!
Even if you don't have bees in the basement, it is easy to hand pollinate the lemon. Just gently nudge the blossoms with your pinky, making sure to hit both male and female blossoms. You'll certainly get at least some fruit to set.
Great site. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hellebores in January?! We've been in the deep freeze this past week. They won't appear here until March or April , if we're lucky.
Beautiful photos of your garden.
Hi Jodi: It's just one...(one is a lonely number, right??)...although, I hope there will be more to come...Thank you, though.
Hey Kate: Amazing, isn't it? They're not open just yet...when they do, you know I will be happy with a capital H! I wish I were brave enough to try to cut a branch to bring inside and force it some...but, I am fearful (and respectful!) of the Daphnes and their pickiness...what will be, will be.
Oh, MightyMatt (like that name!), you are very kind. It's just a simple white one...although it does have a pink blush on the back of the petals. I have a speckled one that should open soon....I keep thinking...
Hi Christina: That's a thought, isn't it? I do play bee with other things (let's see...does the word daylily come to mind? hehe)...well, I think I am hoping the lemon tree will put on a second flush of blooms when I move it outside in spring...especially if it gets some...ummm, encouragement. I'm just thrilled to pieces that it is living! Add double thrilled that I can breathe in that heavenly scent when I go by it!
Hang in there, Carolyn Gail! Would you believe, I do get an occasional bloom in December (not this time, though)...There are quite a few buds, so I am hopeful of a nice show this year. I added some new ones, too...not sure if I'll see them bloom this year as they're rather small...we'll see.
Thank you all for coming by!
Superbe photo avec ce banc sous la neige qui invite a la méditation !!!
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