Today I realized that I hadn't walked my garden in I don't know how long. I've missed it. Normally, I walk it at least twice a day, but I suppose I felt it was winter...and certain areas of my garden are difficult to access when the ground is messy (as it can be in winter). January is full of surprises. Two weeks ago, we had temps in the 70s...night before last, down to single digits. If I'm confused, I can only imagine how some of the plants must feel.
Sure enough, I did see a few that had tried to break dormancy. I patted them and talked to them (don't you?) and reminded them to hold off for a couple months, tempting though it might be. Let's hope they were listening.
Sam accompanied me on this walk through the garden.

(He looks so sweet here, doesn't he? Don't be fooled...I mean, he is sweet, but that demeanor hides one fierce hunter.)
He and his brother Leo are going through some difficulties. It seems they prefer to operate in shifts with me or else they fight (over me??).
Sam discovered the Ponytail grass (stipa) that I had written about previously. It has actually been planted and I wondered how long before he would find it! Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera for that part of our walk. Too bad, as it is hysterical the way he 'plays' with it. I hope these two survive his attention.
Well, it was in the backyard that I found today's surprise(s). Look what was just beginning to unfurl its blooms!

A witch hazel! Alas, an unscented one that will remain nameless as it is not the promised variety from the vendor at the plant sale several years ago. Still, I like it and we all have these plants we become fond of without knowing their details.
Seeing that one, I thought about my other....and realized it must, too, be in bloom.

Even with my nose in less-than-perfect-smelling-shape, I could smell the fresh clean scent from this one! Too bad I didn't see it sooner, as gathering by the spent blooms, it's been in flower for a while. It resides in the bottom of my area that doesn't get much attention and tends to be damp and muddy this time of year. I pretty much let the stuff down there take care of itself...and always think that I'll get to it one of these springs. Yeah.
I felt much better after my little stroll. Just like meditation or maybe yoga or even exercise, for some of us our gardens renew us. Note to self: try to remember this! I don't want to miss any little thing that goes on in my garden.
I really will get back to Chanticleer (and other places I still have to share)...