Added Dimensions
Alexa Kathryn (rebloom)
Amanda’s Intrigue
Angel Cups
Betty Woods
Big Kiss
Cherry Smash Cupcake
Desert Icicle
El Bandito
Elegant Candy
Elegant Finale
End of the Day
Final Touch
Frans Hal wannabe
Glory Bright
Hyperion Elite
Ida’s Magic (rebloom)
Jay Farquhar
Katie My Love (rebloom)
Later Alligator
Laura Harwood
Look Here Mary
Love or Else
Madge Cayse
Malaysian Monarch
Mary Frances Regan
New Series
Oh Dickie
Pardon Me
Peggy Jeffcoat
Prissy Frills
Rose Corsage
Seal of Approval
Shoo Fly Pie
Surprisingly Pink
Susan Weber
The Jury’s Out
Tuscawilla Tigress
Unknown Yellow
Vulcan Fuego
Whistle a Happy Tune
Wild Horses (rebloom)
Woodside Commemorative
Yellow Sledgehammer
You Know Who
With buds, just not blooming today:
After Awhile Alligator
All in All
Emma’s Green Giant
Filled to Overflowing
Gilded Shadows
Holly Dancer
Ice Cream Dreams
Kirsten’s Corsage
Lola Branham
Orchid Corsage
Sandra Elizabeth
Shores of Time (rebloom)
Susquehanna Parfait
Terry Lyninger
Truly Angelic
Rebloom or other scapes up (but not yet blooming):
Big Mac Attack
Carolyn Hunt
Forbidden Desires
Fortune’s Dearest
Kitty Wells
Peggy Turman
Spacecoast Gold Bonanza
Now, that's not half bad, half full?
Patience is rewarded...a few pictures to enjoy.
Laura Harwood:

Enormous blooms of Look Here Mary:

FFO on Lavender Kingdom:

Bridgeton Finesse:

Susan Weber:

Rose Corsage:

Final Touch:

Hyperion Elite:

Malaysian Monarch:

Angel Cups:

Very tall (and probably not even at its height potential) Yellow Sledgehammer:

(It is kinda nice to not have to bend over...something to think about!)
Oh Dickie on rebloom:

Cherry Smash Cupcake:

Shoo Fly Pie:

Ain't I Something:

Janet Bennett:

Glory Bright:

Later Alligator...with a 'pointing' stance:

August Frost (maybe July Frost??):

Wouldn't you know this one anywhere? Wild Horses, on rebloom:

Florida's Garden Light:

Just for grins. It's hard work being a garden cat. You probably knew that. Here's what it was like for Leo as he "worked" with me (because you know he's never far away).
First, he starts out in the grass. What?? She's moving again??

I see where she's going. Quick, I'll beat her there! No! She's walking over to the other side!

She can be like forever looking at those....

I said, can't she hear me, it's time to go, water...

Ah, at last...sleep (put that flash away!)...

I couldn't resist...they're blooming right by some of the daylilies I was looking at...

Purple and yellow is such a pleasing combination:

Coneflowers...apparently, I am supposed to grow them...since they refuse to leave...

Like Leo, I'm exhausted, too! So much I want to share with you suppose I'll ever get caught up??!
Yes, I hope you do get caught up because I really like coming here. You know, before I started reading your posts and seeing your pictures, I had no idea that there were so many daylilies. I think I was not much interested in daylilies because most of the ones that I see are orange or yellow. Or at least that's what is has always seemed to be like for me.
What I will have great fun doing is coming back to your blog and writing down the names of ones that I really love. I'm beginning to think I love them all!!
I like the pictures of Leo reclining... you are so fortunate to have a cat companion in the garden. Big brown dogs just don't work out so well even though they like to think they are small and cuddly creatures.
Oh and one of the other things that I love about daylilies is that they have the most intriguing names ... that's part of their charm for me!
I'd say your glass is plenty full!!
This is a beautiful post, and so helpful, I will have to try to match my few lilies to find out their names. Every time I see a coneflower on someone's blog it has a butterfly near it :-) I must make a note to get some myself :-)Thanks for sharing your pics!
Wow, those are some amazing blooms! Leo looks pretty cool too. He looks a lot like our cat, Macy, but she doesn't get to "work" in the garden with me since she stays inside. I bet she is looking forward to my starting more seeds under the grow lights for the fall garden.
Keep up the great work with your garden! Once again I say "Wow!"
Oh, more yumminess!
Simply fabulous, gotta garden! Brilliant in colour, brilliant post, fabulous cat...what a character, I can tell...superlatives all round :)
I like your blog a lot! Beautiful flowers. Welcom on my blog :o) It is in norwegian, but there is a lot of garden pictures. And my lovely cat of course!
Greetings! Nice pictures.
Amazing, all these beautiful daylilies. Please don't show more of them ;-) list "I-want-to-have" is getting longer and longer!! My poor purse! Greetings from Switzerland. Barbara
I really like the daylilies with thin petals. There is something too um... naughty about the ones with the full petals... but perhaps that's just me.
Do you know of any daylilies with unusual foliage?
Hi Kate: Those names will get you! My sister is doing a music themed daylily garden...just from names! Although, now that I have (ahem!) completed my garden judge training (more on that in a post), I know that the name is probably the last thing we should consider...but, as a marketing tool, names do matter! (I've bought many, just because of the name...Bark at Me, Music of the Master, etc.)
I've started bringing my dogs out front with me when I work...I spend quite a bit of time there and they sit at the window and watch (so sad)...and Kobe would howl and cry. I was concerned because I didn't think they'd stay in the yard and worried that they would run out into the street if anyone walked by. It would make gardening stressful, you have to watch them constantly. But, anyway, I miss them, so I thought we'd try. It was hard at first...for just the reasons I said. However, I would make them go inside when they did those things...and I think they've begun to figure it out. Kobe tends to stick pretty close to me (although he will eventually go and lie down), and Riley has come to enjoy lying on the better grass there (out front). It's working out well. I still have to keep an eye on and an ear out on them, but they do seem to be getting it. If I see someone coming, I drop what I'm doing and race over to them. Yesterday, they didn't even bark and stayed right with me. That was always a dream to me, to have them with me. The front yard is much better because of shade and at least some areas of flatter land...and for them, real grass!
The cats tend to come out, too. It's so funny to see all four of them lying around...usually like points on a compass! The cats will wander with me, but not as much when the dogs are out.
I'm always so glad to see your thoughtful!
Hi Chris: Thank you! Coneflowers seem near indestructible, from what I can tell! I guess those and Black-Eyed Susans will be with you forever, once you bring them home.
Why, thank you, Marc! That's so nice of you to say! Your cat is much safer inside. I won't even go into all the things (and the fat file at the vet's on Sam)! But, they do help with the critter control. That's funny to think of your cat and the seed starting. Having said that, one of mine nibbles on the daylilies that I start...those in the window where he likes to sit (I have to remember to leave him space).
Hi Kylee...thanks for coming over!
Hi A Wildlife make my day! Thanks very much!
Hi Marie: I will have to get over there! Thanks for coming by to visit!
Hahahaha...I know who you are...and where you live!!! Looking forward to seeing you!
Hi Barbara: I can't help myself! Sorry! They really like to be photographed, I think! Your purse, ha! Mine is empty, always!!
Hello Ottawa Gardener: There is a species daylily with variegated foliage, i.e., a variegated Kwanso and it is thought to be less invansive than the regular Kwanso (which is very invasive). Also, I think Wayside Gardens offered one with variegated foliage, but I don't know anything about it, really.
Generally, the foliage is green to green-blue, grassy-like, some large and strapping, some small and wispy. One of the things I am starting to look for (more) is foliage that stays strong and healthy throughout the season. And, I think some of the hybridizers are, too. Not just pretty faces!
Anyway, it's wonderful that there is such diversity that there really is one for everybody!
Thanks, everyone!
stunning what cultivation can do. We like to drive out when our wild lilies are in bloom. The flowers are small but so beautiful. I often wondered what can happen if they were cultivated. Here are the endemic to South Africa lilies
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