Gotta Garden

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

February 15, 2007

Whew! I almost forgot! Here's my list of what's blooming:

Witch Hazel Hamamelis Unknown...reddish blooms are still there!
Viburnum 'Pink Dawn'
Daphne odora aureomarginata
Daphne odora 'Alden's Regal Red'
Snowdrops Galanthus elwesii and probably nivalis (although limp and lying on the snow, in some cases under the snow)
Hellebores (also limp and lying on the snow, but they'll bounce back)
Sarcococca confusa 'Sweet Box' (still in bud; need to check this one tomorrow)

And a wayward amaryllis (Hippeastrum) in the basement (white) that is enjoying its neglect, apparently, after being brought inside for the winter. Addendum: one minature African Violet is happily blooming away: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That's all I can think of! This is such a good idea...I hope I remember to keep doing it!

To learn more, please have a look at May Dreams Gardens.


Carol Michel said...

But you didn't forget, and that's what counts. Wonderful list of plants and I learned a new one, Sarcococca confusa, which sounds wonderful. However it would not be wonderful for long in my zone 5 garden! Thanks for participating.

Gotta Garden said...

Hi carol: I just edited to include a link back to you; sorry about that!

Thanks for stopping by!

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